Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Twilight Moms

I read this article about Twilight Moms.... These books are targeting young adults (I think ages 14-17) but it's funny that not only are teenagers enjoying this book but everyone, no matter what age you are!

DO YOU THINK YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE whose life turned upside down when you read Twilight? Is your house a disaster with piles of piles of laundry in every corner and stacks of dirty dishes at record breaking heights? Have you imagined your husband is a vampire (or werewolf) and suddenly have the libido of newlywed again? Do you convince yourself that "cold cereal" makes a perfectly wholesome dinner? Is the pizza delivery boy now on your Christmas card list? Are your children free to run a muck as long as no one comes too you bleeding . . .(too badly)? Oh, you feel guilty, but that's not enough! You still can't tear yourself away from the book and damned be the consequences! The good new is- YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Fans of the Twilight Series in OUR STAGE of life (whether you're a mom or not) now have a place where we can gather unashamed of our irrational obsession with vampires and werewolves. We have a place where "our kind" can relate without having to wade through all the teenage Internet code mumbo jumbo like "OMG!!! IMHO Edward is sooo Hawt!!!" (usually a dead giveaway that you should be doing your social studies homework for 3rd period instead of playing on the computer.) FYI, it was a group of 14/15 year olds that "changed" me. However, OUR world of balancing family, work, home, marriage AND...our Twilight obsession is unique, fun, and oh, so very humorous. The personal stories and experiences I've heard and read from women all over the world are a blast. YOU LADIES ROCK!!! ...and "Twilight Moms" is dedicated to YOU!!! Enjoy this little corner of the Internet that is just for us. Explore the web site, keep up with breaking news and join the forum.

1 comment:

Lanie said...

I finally got to the part where I can't stop reading! Haha.