Monday, August 11, 2008

Mexican Dictionary...

BODYWASH: I can't go to tha cantina tonite cuz no BODYWASH my kids.
SHOULDER : My tia wanted 2 become a citizen but she didn't know how to read so I SHOULDER.
COCKATOO: My friend was in the bathroom and I told him to hurry because I had to go COCKATOO!
SODAS: My vieja has beeg tatas and SODAS her sister.
JUICY: Hey vato, I will roll the joint, and ju tell me if JUICY the cops!!!
JUAREZ: My viejita slapped me and I said JUAREZ your damn problem!
TISSUE: Hey vato if you don't know how to do it, let me TISSUE how!
HEATER: My lil sister started to choke...Perro my mom told me to HEATER in the back!
BRIEF: Hey homes, my lady farted in the car and I couldn't BRIEF!
JULY: Ju tol me ju were going to tha store and JULY to me! Julyer!!!
MUSHROOM: When my familia gets in the car......There's not MUSHROOM left!
CHEESE: I went to dis bar and some vato try to hit up on my vieja. I said ay vato CHEESE with me!!
TEXAS: My pinche friend always TEXAS me with dumb jokes.
WATER: My vieja gets mad and I don't even know WATER problem is!
HERPES: Me & my ruca order some pizza, I got my piece & she got HERPES.
HORCHATA: You can keep talking your crap, HORCHATA hell up!

1 comment:

Lanie said...

hahahaha..good one!

Hey girl, sorry for the late response..thanks for the bout you? Any kids in the near future?